
下一次jdb电子夺宝- 2024年5月9日

Join us May 9 for the next jdb电子夺宝 Tech Ohana to hear 关于 the jdb电子夺宝 Food Innovation Center – includes networking, 茶点和我们的演讲嘉宾.

伊恩·斯图尔特《jdb电子夺宝》 & 业务拓展专员, Pāoihana项目, 毛伊大学学院, 将邀请到道格拉斯·保罗主厨来谈谈他们鼓舞人心的工作.

  • 了解首个增值食品制造孵化器 & 夏威夷加速器 &  MFIC提供的创业项目和服务.
  • Hear 关于 some of the entrepreneurial success stories emerging from the program.
  • 头脑风暴jdb电子夺宝TechOhana如何从这个项目中支持/受益.

TechOhana议程- 5月9日

下午5:15 - 5:45 |报到及社交(供应茶点)

下午5:45 - 6:30 | Q & A

下午6:30 |最后的Q&一、网络


1305 N. Holopono街,Kihei, 5套房




Ian Stewart -企业家精神 & 业务拓展专员, Pāoihana项目, University of Hawaii jdb电子夺宝 College

Ian’s current role at University of Hawaii jdb电子夺宝 College (UHMC) sees him focused on supporting entrepreneurship as part of a Minority Business Development Agency issued grant, the aim of which is to cultivate a vibrant diversified economy and increase minority business enterprises through entrepreneurship training and coaching.

在2024年1月开始这个新职位之前, Ian was the Operations Manager of the jdb电子夺宝 Food Innovation Center and is still very much focused on supporting the food entrepreneurs who engage with this facility/program.

Ian brings to UHMC a background in business consulting and economic development having spent 18 years working for the British Government’s International Business & 贸易服务团队总部设在美国东南部. 在这个职位上,他接触了无数的企业家客户, 协助初创企业和财富500强企业进入市场 & 国际业务增长战略,同时提供本地, 为公共合作伙伴创造全国就业机会和经济增长. His experience encompasses a range of knowledge driven sectors including advanced manufacturing, 航空航天和信息技术与通信.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Georgia State University and a Diploma in Marketing from the UK’s Chartered Institute of Marketeers.

When he’s not working at UHMC you’ll find him championing local food systems and fresh produce either at Napili Farmers Market, 他帮助组织的, 或者自愿花时间帮助维护库拉一个26英亩的热带水果农场. 伊恩和他的妻子苏珊住在怀卢库,苏珊是一名医生助理.



道格拉斯·保罗是jdb电子夺宝大学食品创新中心的主厨讲师. His journey in the culinary world, showcases a diverse range of experiences and skills. Graduating from Baldwin High School and obtaining an Associate of Science degree in Culinary Arts from 毛伊大学学院 laid the foundation for his culinary 教育.

保罗在罗伊餐厅当厨师的那段时间, followed by a significant period at Spago Restaurant as a Pastry Chef in both Las Vegas and jdb电子夺宝, 展示了他在各种烹饪环境中磨练手艺的承诺. 我以《jdb电子夺宝官方》(My Office)冒险创业,食物拖车, showcasing my entrepreneurial spirit and culinary skills as a self-employed individual for three years.”

Transitioning to Sodexo as the General Manager at 毛伊大学学院 for eight years allowed Paul to gain valuable experience in culinary management, 监督烹饪领域更广泛的方面. His involvement in the jdb电子夺宝 Food Innovation Center at 毛伊大学学院 for a year reflects a desire to innovate and contribute to the culinary landscape.

“My passion for exploring and trying new food items from around the world aligns well with my current role in the jdb电子夺宝 Food Innovation Center. 这一举措标志着向创业迈出了战略性的一步, suggesting that I aim to not only create but innovate within the culinary industry.”

“当我继续我的旅程, 结合我的烹饪专长, 管理技能, 企业家精神, it’s evident that I am well-positioned for continued success in the dynamic world of food and innovation. My unique blend of experiences and roles undoubtedly contributes to my well-rounded perspective in the culinary field.”







jdb电子夺宝会议,由jdb电子夺宝经济发展委员会组织., 并得到jdb电子夺宝郡的支持, provide an informal networking opportunity open to anyone interested in jdb电子夺宝 County’s technology industry. Events include a short presentation on a relevant topic in business or technology, followed by the opportunity to talk with others with similar professional interests.




“Valuable takeaways from hearing personal experiences with challenges and successes.”




从L. R. Bogdan Udrea, VisSidus Technologies; Dr. Shadi Naderi, AFRL, Lisa Thompson, KBR,博士. C. 钱宁吃, Cloudstone Innovations 31 guests joined us November 16 to hear 关于 Aerospace on jdb电子夺宝 from a panel of space industry leaders based in LĪPOA, 以前...


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